Thursday, June 24, 2010

President Who Refused

President Obama, in my opinion, has made few mistakes, why won't he defend himself or his administration to the perceived all powerful media. He won't take the time to play the game, it looks at first glance that he is hurting what he is trying to do for the people of this country. Not true? Since I stated to write this post the radio was on in the background and the hourly news was on (4 pm 6/24/2010 CBS radio WJBC) after listening to the story about job improvements  but it is going very slowly (with emphasis on slowly, it's not what you say its how you say it, remember that last fight with your spouse) Why not report the story, that for the last 5 months the number of people employed has been going up have been slowly and consistently going up. It was interesting to here the pundits claim that the only reason the numbers went up was because of the hiring of the census workers but the numbers keep going up as most of those jobs have run their course. Didn't here that story today! What President Obama is doing, very effectively, is taking back the power that belongs with our elected officials from the media Moguls (read press) who use and abuse there place in the system these last years. I voted for President Barack Obama and my respective Senators and Congressman not Rupert Murdoch.** By the way in answer to Mr Murdock's question, in relation to our President and Commander in Chief, "OK but can he walk the walk?"  Mr. Murdoch, my President can walk the walk and all of the disrespect, innuendo and back stabbing you and your billions of dollars have done has not stopped him. (If you have been living in a cave and haven't noticed the spin on the news just listen to a broadcast from Fox or CBS or Wall Street Journal or any of the other scores of Radio, Newspaper, Television Cabal ,etc that he and his minions own or control.) You beat a bully by being yourself, doing what you say, and getting the job done. Instead of trying to destroy and discredit our President Obama maybe you should have tried to hire him. (wait, maybe you know what you would of heard)

** The Murdoch Empire faces tough times. It has responded with an attempt to develop a business model which has the features of creative destruction, and may change all ideas of freedom of information*
*Leaders We Deserve blog archives for the day Thursday, August 6th, 2009. 

Murdoch threatens to sue BBC

Mr Murdoch would have given a million dollars to the independent of his choice (No, Mr Murdoch you can't buy a President maybe over in England or Australia or what ever country you are trying to own and run, just not this one.)
My Space owner Rupert Murdoch & Mark Burnett

From HuffingtonPost

Well I have vented, our President Obama chooses not to, amazingly I agree with that.

He is smarter than the average bear. Just ask former U.S. Commander in Afghanistan Gen. Stanley McChrystal
Keep up the good fight!

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