Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Participation, Participant, Health Care

Health Care seems to be the newest DPMB (don't push my button) issue. If you don't agree with my political position on health care then you must be a communist, socialist, Marxist or generally a really bad person. Vote them out, damn liberals, what would Rush say, what we need is Palin and her Tea Party, down with the Democrats they are all sticking together and passing legislation without Republican input, Socialist Democrats are changing our Country, we will repeal this Law of the Land and go back where we were after the current office holders are sent packing (off with their heads) and further gibberish that I have chosen to block from my memory Remember GIGO (Garbage In Garbage Out) as a symbolic chant.

I have been to the coffee shop again and left just shaking my head in wonderment and sadness at the ignorance of my age group and the conservatism of Central Illinois.
It is not necessary to change - Survival is not mandatory. ~W. Edwards Deming

Health Care Insurance should be mandatory for all Americans. President Obama is not trying to turn us into a Socialist or Marxist nation, (to be absolutely correct we live in a Social Democracy as our form of Government OOPS off topic, another time.) Health Care Bill accomplishes many things all of them are being missed by the majority of the people:
Participation in your own health care is mandatory you must help your self. Health Care says you must take responsibility for your own well being if you don't have the money to pay for it the Government will help. Next step, if you don't have health care, why don't you? You must be willing to help your self first before anyone can help you. President Obama is saying participation is mandatory. All of the junk stories from the Rush's and Palin's of the world about Death Panels for the elderly, no choice of Doctor, long waits and poor care are a lot of bovine excrement. Lots of work to do yet before implementation but it is about growing up and becoming a participant in our form of government.
When you are ready to learn, a teacher will appear.
When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves. ~Victor Frankl

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