Thursday, December 10, 2009

Who Judges

I think one person can hardly understand why another has conducted his life in such a way, how he came to commit certain actions and not others, whether he looks upon the past with mostly pleasure or equanimity or regret.-- Chang-Rae Lee, A Gesture Life

One point you made resonated with me - regarding how if you feel overwhelmed "the teacher backs off, rather our reactions change and the environment no longer supports the old views." I'm going to reflect more on that perspective. Perception is reality.. The teacher is perceptions "unlocked" Think of this event, teacher, opportunity etc.. as being their invisibly the whole time but you didn't see it. Then you become open to the awareness and now you can see it, define it, use it.
The teacher appearing is in reality a block disappearing, your mind opening to the possibility of its existence. When your in alignment with something you start to see it everywhere, you start to align with what you need to grow. When your ready to become a writer you start to become of writing jobs because now your looking for them, they were their the whole time but you didn't see a writing job you saw a service you didn't need.
To put this concept into perspective, when you have a friend who is obsessing over a model of car you never really noticed before, although their everywhere you never gave it a second thought but now that they have talked about it and you've been to the dealership with them looking at this car in detail you will notice that their are actually a lot of these models in town.
You will see them and realize you never really noticed them before, as if all of a sudden they are everywhere you go. They were always there but now your open to seeing them more clearly, focus is sharpened and now you almost feel like your actively looking for them.
When the student is ready. (basically means when your open to the information, or growth.) The teacher will appear: (This means that you will be able to accept and actively seek out the people, places, and information that will help you towards knowledge and ultimately enlightenment).

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