Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Capricious thoughts from a fragmented mind

Fractured thoughts from a capricious mind.

I have been writing for my blog but not publishing the posting, as I look at my drafts it becomes apparent that I have more information and insight than is needed or wanted for this for this style of writing, I try to edit down the post to short concise content it becomes clear that transfer of knowledge must not only contain fact but the insight that allowed for a world where this knowledge exist. (convolution is alive and well obviously TL).

As an example: Think of a concept, teacher, opportunity, personally identifiable, etc.. as being their invisibly at this current time and space but you didn't see it. Then you become open to the awareness and now you can see it, define it, and use it. Kind of like learning fractions one day you see that all there is to doing fractions is to remember a ball is round and must always be a complete circle.

When the student is ready. This basically means when your open to the information, or growth The teacher will appear when the student is ready to learn TL: This means that you will be able to accept and actively seek out the people, places, and information that will help you towards independent thought and how to define theoretical terms to action this is called erudition (education) rather than indoctrination which has become so prevalent in today's questionable education confederacy or cabal if your reading this without a dictionary.

(To the left of this post I have a dictionary link , by request, to look up words that you might not know or English is not your primary language TL)

Think of this event, teacher, opportunity etc.. as being their invisibly the whole time but you didn't see it. Then you become open to the awareness and now you can see it, define it, use it.
The teacher appearing is in reality a block disappearing, your mind opening to the possibility of its existence. When your in alignment with something you start to see it everywhere, you start to align with what you need to grow and learn. When your ready to admit to your self that you are a writer you start to become aware of writing jobs because now your looking for them, they were their the whole time but you didn't see a "writer wanted" you saw a service you didn't need.

To put this concept into perspective, when you have a "friend" who is obsessing over a 1963 red Corvette convertible you never really noticed one before, although their everywhere you never gave it a second thought but now that they have talked about it and you've been introduced and seduced by this timeless classic and looking and fantasizing at this car in detail you will notice that their are actually more of these all over country.
You will see them and realize you never really noticed them before, as if all of a sudden they are everywhere you go. They were always their but now your open to seeing them more clearly, focus is sharpened and now you almost feel like your actively looking for them.

I started to keep a notebook and when I have the occasional transient coherent thought I write it down in hopes that my thought will trigger a crack in the brittle facade of the world around us or that I will remember it in its entirety. I stop at the coffee shops and restaurants and listen to the proletariat and I am truly shocked that we have gotten this far in our experiment of a government for the people by the people. What I see most of the time is the minds closed to possibilities and the rest of the local social group agreeing or not saying anything which by default supports the closed mind who expressed the ignorant or social position. I was at a local coffee shop and one of the semi regular coffee drinkers who is venomous and hateful towards are new President. He wanted to start a pool on when are new President would be assassinated, he would run to his house and get a paper and marker and we would start a pool. I took great offence at these hateful thought and accompanying statements and called him on it.
Your hateful (Going through my SYNONYMS LIST: hateful, detestable, odious, offensive, repellent. These often interchangeable adjectives describe what elicits or deserves strong dislike, distaste, or revulsion. Hateful refers to what evokes hatred or deep animosity: “No vice is universally as hateful as ingratitude” (Joseph Priestley). Detestable applies to what arouses abhorrence or scorn: detestable crimes against humanity. Something odious is the object of disgust, aversion, or intense displeasure: “a kind of slimy stuff … of a most nauseous, odious smell” (Daniel Defoe). Offensive applies to what offends or excites displeasure: an offensive suggestion. Something repellent arouses repugnance or disgust: repellent criminal behavior. TL)
suggestion is more than I can allow to pass. Your suggestion of a pool on our Presidents assassination will not be tolerated and this coffee shop is not big enough to contain this type of hate and ignorance so I suggest you leave while you still can. His defence was "I am a veteran" or "we all are entitled to our opinion" "I was just kidding" and last but not least "truth hurts" none which were germane to the discussion, your a veteran and hate your Commander and Chief you are entitled to your opinion in these United States but not venomous repellent words that incite shame, truth hurts when an honest opinion is called for. (People appreciate honesty. As long as honesty is what they want to hear. Otherwise, lying works well TL)

When was the last time you stood up and said "that's not appropriate in these times of hope and renewal?

As a child of the 1960s I probably read to much philosophy or maybe drank to much sangria: Alex Byrne, Jonathan Dancy, J. M. Hinton, Mark Johnston, Harold Langsam, Heather Logue, M. G. F. Martin, John McDowell, Alan Millar, Howard Robinson, A. D. Smith, Paul Snowdon Karl Marx, Friedrich Nietzsche , etc.

I promise to be brief in next post

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