Wednesday, March 25, 2009

President Obama a moment in time

I was driving back to Bloomington the other day and all I could get was talk radio on FM, I was out of books on tape so I listened to help pass the time. I heard the end of Rush Limbaugh and somebody named Sean Hannity who referred to Ann Coulter and Bill Riley in glowing terms. As I drove I was astounded at the hate and vilification that was on the public airways. When I got home I looked at the individual websites of each of these people. I was not aware that anyone took Rush Limbaugh in a serious manner he was just a windy buffoon who spewed his hate and ignorance to the illiterate and skin heads.

Garnered, inspired and commented on from the threads and comments from other blogs plus my own.

Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter is kind of like the female Bill O'reilly sadly she is young so there will be crap spewing out of her mouth for a years to come. She is the epitome of what is wrong with America. Ann Coulter is the reality fluff TV of politics. Practicing the shock and awe campaign where any attention is good attention. It's sad and short lived. She is an embarrassment to the human race and a precedent for shortsighted arrogant ignorance criticized fundamentalists- she described fundamentalists as people that plug up their ears and don't listen to anything besides what they already know; christian fundamentalists, evolution fundamentalists, atheist fundamentalists, Islamic fundamentalists- they're all just unreasonable people that won't listen to anything that might contribute to the Truth besides their version of truth. Ann Coulter young?! She's in her mid-40s. Her mouthing off isn't youthful indiscretion. It's just plain stupidity "us versus them" mentality that seems to be predominant in our recent history. As for bringing in the whole evolution debate into the mix – does it really matter at the end of the day that you disagree? Telling people that they are crazy rarely makes them think – ohh yeah – you are right. Live and let live, find those that believe in what you believe and take a positive collective step forward.

Bill O'Reilly

Take time to understand Bill O'Reilly for what he is: an ego-driven, biased individual who spreads fear, hate and misunderstanding. While he sees himself as a culture warrior, his views are firmly anchored to the political right. He works tirelessly to enrage Americans and pit them against anything he considers "liberal" or, worse yet, "secular". Mr. O'Reilly uses highly manipulative forms of presentation, phrasing and, yes, "spin".
After the trouncing of the republican candidate Billy went on his usual lie filled right-wing spin rant, he said Obama and the Democrats are using code words like social justice and shared sacrifice, and they are code for socialism. I think he's been talking to Glenn Beck too much, President Obama is opposed to socialism, and he only plans to do a temporary spending plan to pull the country out of recession, and keep it from going into a depression. Once the economy turns around Obama will cut a lot of that spending and start paying down the deficit, just like Clinton did. There is no secret socialism plan, and no code word nonsense.

It would appear Billy would like to see his own version of socialism called Phalansterianism ( Fourierism a system for reorganizing society into cooperative communities of small self-sustaining groups) which is a type of socialism. He would have us in isolationism, totally self sufficient, with no diversity or ethnicity allowed in his world he would dictate what is best for you in his stunted opinion, Germany tried this from 1933 to 1945.

All that is right-wing talking points to make Obama look like a socialist, when he's not. They want to smear him so his approval ratings drop, then the Republicans can try to get more of their sad out of touch agenda into the bills that get passed.

And all that Obama Pelosi friction talk is speculation, nobody knows if it's true or not. Billy is speculating based on a Newsweek article from one person. Even though he said he never speculates, and you cant trust the media unless it's FOX. It's all right-wing garbage to make Pelosi look like some far-left nut, because the Republicans all hate her. When Billy talks about a Democrat in Congress, or president Obama you can remember one thing, it's all lies and partisan right-wing spin.

I suppose my point is to what end do these entertainers (I use the word loosely) affect or influence the thinking of the majority of Americans. We should always look at both sides of every question then make a informed hopefully intelligent decisions as to what we would ethically tolerate. Most if not all controversial questions are judgements made using our own ethics and morality. Do these hurtful entertainers answer your ethics or morality questions or is it like seeing a car wreck and not being able to look away.

I read or heard or maybe wrote: all that I have learned about ethics and morality I learned at my grandmothers knee. If you wonder if something is right or wrong, moral or ethical, would you do or say it, with your grandmother standing there.

Conventionalization is not morality nor ethics, it is only distressingly politically correct.
© Tim Lee Bloomington, IL 2009

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